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  • Believe in you!

    If I had to talk to the little girl I was, who was told "no... there are no opportunities for drawing...". I would have told her not to listen to anyone's opinion. No one should define your destiny, your future, if not yourself. From this passion that I wanted to make my career as a child, and which ran through my school notebooks, as well as the pages of friends who wanted me to draw them some squirrels, sheeps etc... I had more or less moved away over the years. If I couldn't make it my job, what was the point of continuing to draw. I believe that this frustration of having had such a clear-cut opinion from the college guidance counselor, who had somehow nipped my dream in the bud, made it more cruel than anything else for me to continue to draw, knowing that I could only make it a “hobby”. An increasingly rare hobby, because as we grow up we take less and less time for ourselves, for our leisure activities, for what we really love. I then gradually turned to Biology, animal, plant and human biology, taking great pleasure in better discovering this world around us, better understanding our Earth and its Ecosystem. But it was always with impatience that I went to the practical work which required drawing the study specimens. My teachers often congratulated me on the completion of the drawing. Despite everything, over the years, drawing has moved away from me, or rather I have moved away from drawing. I looked in amazement at other people's drawings on the internet, while telling myself that they had made their dream come true... But that they certainly had that little something more than me. I didn't believe in myself. I had no self-confidence, unfortunately not only in the area of drawing. Then one day, following a rather sad period in my life, I felt like a little voice was telling me "go for it! It's time!". I responded to a search for a scientific illustrator, a person who was looking for someone to illustrate their book. For me it was like throwing a stone into the ocean. I thought my answer was lost among hundreds of others, on the one hand illegitimate, and on the other hand too pretentious compared to my abilities. Against all odds this person chose me. What a surprise! She first asked me to make a “test” drawing. I made it, putting all my heart into it but not believing in myself, telling myself that this drawing would quickly put an end to this dream which seemed to come to life. The person was very satisfied with my drawing and hired me for a series of illustrations! It is thanks to this person that this site exists today. She made me gain confidence in myself. Allowed me to realize this dream of my drawings being appreciated and published. She gave me the right to believe in myself. It was thanks to her that I decided to no longer look at other people's drawings while dreaming, but to make this dream, this passion, my reality. We only have one life and we must not let anyone destroy our dreams!

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