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The “miniature” world

A “miniature” world with incredible diversity. Each playing an essential role in “the chain of life”. 

Ephippiger diurnus female illustration


Ephippiger diurnus female

The Ephippiger is a grasshopper whose particularity is to have vestigial wings which do not allow him to fly. Here we can observe the oviscapt, a long saber-shaped bridge organ, only present in females. 


male stag beetle

The stag beetle is a beetle whose immense mandibles of the males can recall the antlers of a deer. 

Male stag beetle illustration
Eupeodes corollae fly illustration


Eupeodes corollae

The Eupeodes corollae, also called the Corolla hoverfly, is a pollinating fly and a major consumer of aphids. It is a migratory species which ranges from Ireland to France via England. 


Green Lizard

The Green Lizard is larger than the wall lizards of our French southern regions, with a size of around 25 to 30 cm. The male can be recognized by its characteristic blue-turquoise throat. It feeds on larvae, spiders, worms and beetles. 

Green Lizard illustration
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